Bridging the Divide
Magyar Krónika október 15. |

Bridging the Divide: Canadian and Hungarian stories of the 1956 revolution Emigration to Canada from Hungary in 1956 remembered in oral history accounts
(Montreal, October 12, 2010) Marking the forthcoming anniversary of the Hungarian revolution on October 23rd, Montreal-based travel and culture portal has re-launched the online version of the publication Bridging the Divide: Canadian and Hungarian stories of the 1956 revolution.
The publication, originally marking the 50th anniversary of the tragic events of October 1956 linked the stories of the revolution from the perspective of emigrant Canadians and the family members that they left behind.
"The stories evoke the pain of separation, and the spontaneous yet momentous decisions that people made," says author Andrew Princz of, "I hope that these personal stories will have an impact on youth both in Hungary and Canada, giving them a personal take on history."
They are stories of euphoria and disappointment, heroism and foolishness, togetherness and separation. Bridging the Divide: Canadian and Hungarian stories of the 1956 revolution is a mosaic of vividly crafted memories of Hungary's revolution of 1956. Based on oral-history recollections of those who lived the tumultuous events, the publication is the result of interviews conducted
setting off on his journey.
"What became clear in hearing the stories was just how spontaneous the events were," says Princz, "People had to make decisions in a split second that would change the course of their lives."
Through oral-history based stories, Bridging the Divide enables the reader to attain a wider level of understanding of the confused events of October 1956, their root causes, and how they impacted the lives of persons from all social and economic backgrounds. This project brings together family pairs and after decades, puts them on the same podium, telling their tales in the form of short stories.
Interviews in Canada and Hungary
Bridging the Divide was put together based on a series of interviews conducted both in Canada, and Hungary in the spring of 2006. Canadian-Hungarian journalist Andrew Princz and Hungarian photographer Katalin Sándor traveled to Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria to interview those who fled Hungary as a result of the October revolution. The team subsequently spoke to family members who remained in Hungary after the revolution.
These are the stories of just some of the 38,000 refugees immigrated to Canada from Hungary as a result of the 1956 revolution. After their arrival, they took great pains to learn a new language and contribute to the fabric of the cultural mosaic that is Canada. In the meantime in Hungary their families remained - sometimes suffering consequences of their relative's migration. Many families remained divided for years.
The complete text of Bridging the Divide – in English and Hungarian - is available on-line at Hard-copies of the publication are also available and may be purchased at the same website.
"A series of emotional experiences, recorded and related in an honest manner, reflecting both the pain and the joy which people felt at leaving their homeland, their family and friends, and discovering for themselves a new life in Canada. The reflections of brothers, sisters, cousins and other family members who remained in Hungary adds an unusual and interesting element, not often found in popularized accounts of 1956 émigrés."
Bob Dent, author of Budapest 1956 - Locations of Drama in The Budapest Times
"I recommend this book to youth, particularly because it is a dual-language publication, which makes it an especially useful read. It is also illustrated with very beautiful images."
Henrik Havas, Mokka
"The subject of this investigation, the stories of the 1956 emigrants and their family members whom they left behind, is far from customary... That we truly have a need for stories of individual fates was demonstrated by the disturbances that took place during the commemorations of the revolution. More and more people have discovered that the past is far from being black and white."
the commemorations of the revolution. More and more people have discovered that the past is far from being black and white."
Roland Borsos in Magyar Hirlap
Bridging the Divide
For more information please contact:
Montreal, QuebecCanada
Tel: [1] 514 605 7920
Andrew Princz Editor ~ Cultural Navigator
Montreal, Quebec
Tel: [1] 514 605 7920
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