A Kanadai Magyar Művészek Közössége újabb kiállitásának megnyitójára 2012. május 5-én, Pointe Claire tüneménes központjában - 278-2 Bord du Lac /Lakeshore - a Viva Vida Art Galleryben (www.vivavidaartgallery.com) került sor.

A több hétre tervezett kiállítás részletes programja lent (is) látható:
Május 11-én, pénteken este 7 órakor Wormser Tamás mutatta be a Tuched by Water és a Travelling Light című filmjeit.
ID...Entity – A Visual Journal of Our Cultural Self
Film Screenings and Special Workshops
Exhibition of Canadian-Hungarian Artist Collective
Exhibition: “ID...Entity” A Visual Journal of Our Cultural Self
Cultural identity is in itself a paradox defined by both a personal and communal experience. The individual identity reflects a timeless continuity, and a sense of uniqueness, yet it is woven into universal connections and affiliations. No one can fully articulate the culture experience to the satisfaction of another, yet the whole is incomplete without the sum of its parts. “Our” cultural identity is not one story of a people, but a collective of individual voices that contribute to the greater whole. This group exhibition is a visual exploration of these stories Curator: Nedia El Khouri
Please see below for films screenings and artist talks and workshops
All these films, as well as selected films by István Kántor (a.k.a. Monty Cantsin) will be available for viewing throughout the ID...Entity exhibit at Viva Vida Art Gallery. There is no charge for any of the screenings.
Friday, 4 May - 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. - Opening of “ID...Entity”
Saturday, 5 May – 10-5 p.m. – Pointe Claire Village Spring Festival
At Viva Vida – 10-2 p.m. Chocolates for Breakfast, workshop, and activities
Friday, 11 May - 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Film Screening and talk by director/producer Tamás Wormser
Touched by Water
Travelling Light
Saturday, 12 May 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Animation and Documentary
Hunger (11 min.) Peter Földes
The Wanderer (11:20 min.) George Ungar
Faces of the Hand (28 min.) Tamás Wormser
Nails (13 min.) Philip Borsos
Our Street Was Paved with Gold (28:38 min.) Albert Kish
Tuesday, 15 May The Art of Placement: a presentation on Art, Nature and Design with Géza Hermann. ($25.00 registration)
Vendredi, le 18 Mai 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Feature Film
La Florida (111 min.)
George Mihalka
Samedi, le 19 Mai – 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
PROGRAMME EN FRANçAIS de la présentation
de 12 mai.
Vendredi, le 25 Mai– 19h00 to 21h00
PROGRAMME EN FRANçAIS (ou avec les sous titre) de la présentation de 11 mai.
Monday, 21 May - creating art out of paper pulp / making paper with Margit Hideg. ($25.00 registration)
Tuesday, 22 May - Introduction to self-publishing - Creating your own art books with Alex Brzezinski
($25.00 registration)
Sunday, 27 May – Grand Finale – Canadian-Hungarian Festival with live music, dance, artist hat fashion show and auction, and much, much more.