Érsek András
Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interpretes agréés du Québec
, magyar, angol, francia, román
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magyarul beszélő személyt, A Magyar Társadalmi Klub (Hungaria) keres, kiszolgálás és kisebb feladatok ellátására, hétvégenként és rendezvények alkalmával.
Tel: 514-288-7966
kérje Tibort. |
A Magyar Aranycsapat ez évben is megrendezi a Nemzeti Összmagyar Diákbajnokságot
(sakk, bírkózás, asztalitenisz, magyar irodalom és történelem).
További információ Gyuri bánál.
Tel: (814-586-9647) |
Családi Temetkezési
693. Jean Talon O.
(Park Extention)
Montreal, H3N 1N1
Tel: (514) 271-1212 |
Dr. Machan Tamás
Családi fogorvos
6600. Trans Canada,
Suite 807
Pointe Claire,
H9R 4S2
Tel: 514-426-4228 |
STEVE Electric Inc.
Szőke István
Hívjon bármikor:
Tel: 514 981-5527
vagy (450) 688-59831 |
magyarul beszélő személyt, A Magyar Társadalmi Klub (Hungaria) keres, kiszolgálás és kisebb feladatok ellátására, hétvégenként és rendezvények alkalmával. Tel: 514-288-7966 kérje Tibort. |

Hungarian-Canadians concerned
Magyar Krónika,
2015.szeptember 25. |
Hungarian-Canadians concerned about the deepening migration crisis in Europe
Toronto, Sept. 23, 2015 –
Based on the massive input from our member organizations and, as such, from a large population of Canadians of Hungarian origin, the National Alliance of Hungarians in Canada is expressing its concerns about the deepening migration crisis in Europe.
The Alliance is especially troubled by the very negative image that Hungary is being given in the media. We also distance ourselves from the misleading articles which spread lies and absurd allegations – serving certain political aims. Thus far, Hungary has seen close to 230,000 migrants descend on its borders. As an EU country, it is obligated by the rules of the Schengen Agreement and the Dublin Regulation to register all these migrants. The migrants disregard the EU laws and demand free crossing of Hungary toward western and northern countries without registering and allowing their fingerprints to be taken. Many of them are defiant and rebellious, leaving behind a trail of unimaginable garbage and filth. A number of Hungarian police and border enforcement officers have been unjustly injured.
Despite this avalanche of often antagonistic people, the Hungarian Government, NGOs and humanitarian groups have provided them with food, water and medical treatment as needed – with very little assistance from the rest of Europe. We don’t see or hear much of those helping hands, yet they do heroic work each and every day. Hungary is burdened with a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions and is building a fence to defend itself – and the rest of Europe, as it has done over many centuries.
Most recently, both Austria and Germany have adjusted their approach to migrants, i.e. reinforced their own border checks, whereas initially they threw open their borders in violation of the Schengen and Dublin agreements and welcomed the migrants with open arms, only to collapse and rescind their promises once the first thousands arrived.
Hungary has done its part. Let others now share in the burden.
Hungary has just been emerging from a near-Greece like disaster by becoming one of the most vibrant economies of Europe, thanks in large part to its own ingenuity. In fulfilling its international and European obligations, Hungary has demonstrated its commitment to law and order, humanitarian intervention, and protecting its European partners.
For more information on the Hungarian perspective of this crisis and the NAHC, please refer to the Hungarian Reporter www.hungarianreporter.com or our website www.kmosz.org.